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FINALLY! Use Of Force Attorney Reveals Baldwin's Grave Error...
By: Attorney Andrew F. Branca -
Would Alec Baldwin be in prison if he was not a famous celebrity?
Click here for my live legal review)

Do you know what NOT to say to the police in 2024? 

I'll give you a hint: it wasn't ANYTHING that Alec Baldwin said when he was formally charged with involuntary manslaughter in the fatal 2021 shooting of Halyna Hutchins, the cinematographer on Baldwin's film Rust.

However, not everyone agrees that what Baldwin did was illegal 

It’s still widely debated across gun circles… 

And even the prosecutors have changed their tune - dropping charges, and then deciding to RE-CHARGE him after immense backlash

What's changed over the last three years in gun law and self defense law is public opinion seems to have a higher impact on the outcomes of these cases

Of course, we won't know until the final gavel hits the judge's desk...

But what we know for a fact is that Alec Baldwin is getting the celebrity treatment, because... 
You'd Be Locked In Litigation If This Happened To You
Many defendants facing an involuntary manslaughter charge (like Alec Baldwin's charge) have to spend months if not years in prison leading up to the trial. 

Because of his celebrity status, he got his charges dropped in April 2023. 

In January 2024, however, Baldwin was indicted by a New Mexcio grand jury, and was charged again in connection with the fatal Rust shooting.

Because this happened in a state like New Mexico, thankfully they have due process, even if you're a famous celebrity (look at the link below for my state-specific comments on this matter)

Had it been a state like Baldwins home state of New York, where he lives in the bougie Hamptons – who knows how quickly he would have had the charges dropped, and all accountability thrown out the window, a luxury that many gun owners and concealed carriers simply don't have. 

If you want to know what I think would have happened had this been in a less gun friendly state, click here
Can You Imagine The Horror Of Spending 8 Months In Prison, Separated From Your Family, Innocent, Waiting For Trial?
In April of 2023, Alan Colie, an unsuspecting DoorDash driver, was harassed by Youtuber Tanner Cook who entered his personal space and refused to leave him alone. 

Fearing for his life, Colie fired a shot in self-defense and was subsequently arrested by Virginia police. 

Colie was completely unsure whether he would be acquitted of the charges... 

And he didn't have the resources to defend himself or hire a high-profile lawyer. 

Instead, he used a public defender.

Eventually, he was acquitted of the most serious crimes, but he was banned from ever owning a concealed firearm again...

And he'll never get those 8 months of his life back.
It Could Have Been Even Worse... 
Not to boast, but you can’t hire me to represent you in a case like Colies, or even Baldwins...

I’m ONLY hired to consult with the self-defense attorneys who represent the client. 

And when it comes to use-of-force events, I've seen some of these cases cost clients over $2,000,000.  

And no, it doesn’t matter if you're paying personally, or with some self defense insurance plan like USCCA… 

(Yes, Alan Colie was a USCCA member and still ended up using a public defender) 

…even the probability of MOST of those plans actually covering you and paying off is less and less sure, that said I can tell you who to trust if you listen to me here.

To make matters worse there are states like New York and California, where instead of supporting your right for self defense...

They're going to call you an outright terrorist for defending yourself.

The prosecutors are no longer trying to make you guilty of a murder or manslaughter charge...
They're Going To Go Straight For The Domestic Terrorist Label
Many politically motivated prosecutors seem intent on both releasing violent criminals from prison... 

AND prosecuting law-abiding citizens who were then compelled to defend themselves and their families against those same violent criminals.

It would concern any normal person to imagine that even after lawfully defending themselves and their family against a criminal attack...

They next find themselves a target of a rogue prosecutor intent on putting them in a cage for the rest of their lives.

Here's my question for you:

What if you found out, some simple changes in presentation could have kept you from facing trial at all, OR at least let you wait things out at home instead of a jail cell?

The last 3 years of self defence law has shown the public a roller coaster of cases and fact patterns, and by popular demand I’m coming back to break down the trends in those recent cases…
The Golden Hour Time Machine - How To Get Hard To Convict
1 to 4 times a year, I do a new live class, teaching this “Golden Hour” principle, and we usually max out the Zoom limits. 

After that you can’t ask questions, or hear updated reviews of these cases unless you’re a paying member, or getting the scraps of information I put out for free on social media to bring more people into my world.

This will be a special event, and somewhat difficult to get a seat for…

In addition to case reviews of these charged very public cases and the Golden hour time machine, how to get hard to convict, here’s what I’ll be covering…
  • Do you know what NOT to say to the police in 2024?
  • Want to ENSURE your innocence while waiting for trial? (That means you wait at home not in a cage with barbaric criminals) Here’s EXACTLY what to say, after a use of force event, and
  • Wouldn't it be great to be able to protect yourself against rogue prosecutors? Just like we prepare to protect ourselves against violent criminals…
  • ​How to make yourself such an unattractive target for prosecution that criminal charges are even doubtful in the first place? (In ANY state, yes even California, New York, or New Jersey)
In other words, if you LEARN this, and follow my instructions I’ll prepare you to be as hard to convict, as legally possible in ANY STATE:

And I’ll give you all this FREE:

…without having to drown yourself in the legalese of statutes, court decisions and jury instructions, or spending a fortune to have a lawyer translate all that into plain English...


Here’s the really good news:

Everything I’ve promised you is within easy reach, and all you have to do is grab it right now by clicking here (or below)

Because, I'm going to be... 
Breaking Down The Most High Profile Use Of Force Cases In 2024 
And I'll use examples from cases like:
  • Alec Baldwin
  • Alan Colie's YouTube prankster shooting
  • Daniel Penny's NYC subway event
  • ​USCCA recent controversies
  • ​OnlyFans stabbings
  • ​January 6 protestors
  • ​Kyle Rittenhouse
  • ​George Zimmerman
  • ​...and other high-profile use-of-force events
Absolutely Free! With 1 of only a handful of opportunities to ask me questions, live.

We’ll be breaking down the 4 biggest myths of self defence law in America in 2024, and again you’ll learn:
  • The simple Golden Hour Rule; how 98% of your fate is sealed in the 30 minutes before and after a self-defence event
  • The new 5P framework for understanding current cases, and what you must do to avoid politically motivated prosecutors
  • ​A $2,000 Giveaway for those who attend live
  • ​And of course, a chance for live Q&A
We have 2 live events in the next few days, and you can see when they’ll be IN YOUR LOCAL TIMEZONE and how full they already are by clicking the link below…
*We’re sending emails to over 150,000 loyal subscribers, and running ads to more than 10,000,000 gun carrying, martial arts practising and 2nd amendment supporting americans. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR SEAT IF YOU LEAVE THE WEBINAR, and you may not get in at all if you don’t register FAST.

You carry a gun so you’re hard to kill.

Know the law so you’re hard to convict!

Stay safe!

Attorney Andrew F. Branca
Law of Self Defense LLC

P.S. If you're looking for a chance to see our newest and most up-to-date framework for being hard to convict, this 100% free class is how to do it

*We’re sending emails to over 150,000 loyal subscribers, and running ads to more than 10,000,000 gun carrying, martial arts practising and 2nd amendment supporting americans. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR SEAT IF YOU LEAVE THE WEBINAR, and you may not get in at all if you don’t register FAST.
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